IACSC Announcement in Herat
Following the Nimroz, Ghazni, Panjshir, Paktika, Wardak, and some of other province of Afghanistan exam, the independent Administration Reform and Civil Services Commission has recently published and announcement about the collective exam of Teachers and Civil services Positions in Herat province with the following derails.
Biometric and Card Distribution:
Saturday and Sunday 3rd and 4rd of march (12 and 13 of hoot, 1396)
Biomitric Venue:
Education faculty and females practical high school
Exam Dates:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 5,6 and 7th of March 2018 (14,15 and 16 of hoot,1396)
Exam Place:
Herat University
All candidates who have applied fro teacher and civil service positions are requested to attend in th Education faculty and females practical high school for Biometric registration on Saturday and sunday. tween and thirteen of Hoot. the Exam will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,14,15 and 16 of Hoot, 1396 in Herat University
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